Digital Marketing Course Online Complete Guideline

In today’s era, everyone is going towards digital marketing. Everyone wants to earn money, so he keeps searching for digital marketing course on the internet. You may also be included in these. That’s why today we have brought complete information about digital marketing course online for you. You will know every tip of digital marketing course online by reading this article completely. So let’s start today’s useful topic.

Digital Marketing Course Online Topic

Many topics can be included in learning online digital marketing course, which are as follows –

  1. Social media marketing
  2. Web analytics
  3. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  4. Email marketing
  5. Mobile marketing
  6. Content marketing
  7. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  8. E-commerce marketing

Popular Online Digital Marketing Courses

Online digital marketing courses can benefit you in many ways. If you want to make your career in this then it is the best option of today’s era. Apart from this, if you want to promote your own business, then also you can start digital marketing.

  1. Google Digital Garage
  2. HubSpot Academy
  3. Coursera
  4. Udemy

Google Digital Garage

Google Digital Garage is a completely free program of Google, from this program we can Get A Business Online, Promote A Business With Online Advertising, Land Your Next Job, Building AI, What is Social? etc. can be taught. Google made this product in the year 2015. Presently many beneficiaries are taking advantage of it. It is completely online.

Official Website – Google Digital Garage

HubSpot Academy

HubSpot Academy’s online courses are conducted and conducted all over the world. This online training is also absolutely free. You can do online course by visiting its official website. These courses include SEO II, Inbound Marketing, HubSpot CMS for Developers II: Best Practices, How to Advertise on Instagram, Digital Advertising etc. Online certificates are also available for their courses.

Official Website – HubSpot Academy


Coursera Courses includes over 5,400 courses. Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller founded Coursera in 2012. Joining Coursera is absolutely free. These programs include Google Project Management: Professional Certificate, Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate, Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate, Google IT Support Professional Certificate etc.

Official Website :


In 2012, Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani and Okte Caglar founded Udemy, Inc. established. Udemy is the global destination for learning and delivering online training. According to the year 2022, more than 57 million students have taken and are taking online training on Udemy. 74,000 trainers are providing online training in multiple languages. These languages ​​include more than 75 languages. There are 213,000 courses on Udemy.

Official Website – Udemy

Bottom Line

We have given information about the platforms of Digital Marketing Course Online. There are some platforms in digital platforms which are absolutely free but some are also paid. Apart from this, some other additional costs are also added. That’s why once before joining online digital platforms, get complete information.

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