It is very important to get insurance, although nowadays, along with buying a new vehicle, at least 5 years of insurance is done with it. There are many companies in the market to get your vehicle insured. The policies of these insurance companies are also different, you can get insurance from them as per your convenience. After getting insurance, many people do not know how to check it.
In today’s article, we will give you stick information on how to check vehicle insurance online. For this online check you will need engine number, chassis number or registration number. There are many online platforms to check vehicle insurance status online.
Need To Check Vehicle Insurance Status Online
It often happens that we either do not remember the information about our vehicle insurance or its papers get lost, in such a situation, you can get the information about vehicle insurance online. You can get information about your vehicle’s insurance policy by entering some information on these online websites. Be sure to keep one thing in mind if your vehicle insurance policy is less than 2 months old, then you will not be able to see its details.
Through these websites given below, we can check the vehicle insurance status online. So let’s now get its complete information.
- RTO Website
- Parivahan Sewa Website
- VAHAN Website
Steps to Check Insurance Status of Vehicle Online at the RTO ?
Step 1: For this, first of all we have to visit the website of RTO.
Step 2: After opening the official website, go to the menu, where you will see the online services option. Go to this option.
Step 3: Next, click on the ‘Related Online Services’ tab.
Step 4: Now select the ‘Vehicle Citizen Services’ tab.
Step 5: You have to select the RTO information corresponding to your vehicle registration.
Step 6: Now go to the menu bar and select ‘Status’ option and then click on ‘Know your vehicle details’.
Step 7: Here you have to enter the engine number and chassis number of the vehicle as well as the registration number.
Step 8: Finally get your details by completing the captcha code.
Vehicle Insurance Online At Parivahan Sewa
Step 1: First of all visit This site is the official website of Transport Service.
Step 2: Select the Information Services tab in the menu of the official website.
Step 3: By tapping on it, a drop-down menu will open in which you can select the option of Know your vehicle details.
Step 4: Now you will see the Vahan NR e-Sewa site.
Step 5: Login to this site by entering your registered cell phone number.
Step 6: After login, enter the vehicle registration number and verification code.
Step 7: At last you choose the option of search vehicle.
Step 8: Once the option is opened, you will be able to get information about your vehicle and the expiry date of your coverage.
Check Vehicle Insurance Policy Status on VAHAN?
Step 1: In your first step visit the official website VAHAN e-seva portal.
Step 2: After this visit the option ‘Know your vehicle details’.
Step 3: You will have to open a new account on this website, if you want, you can use your mobile number to login to the site.
Step 4: After login to the website, you will see the registration number of your vehicle, captcha will also appear below which has to be input.
Step 5: Now click on the search vehicle button and complete this step.
Step 6: After the last step is completed, you will see the insurance information of your vehicle.
Bottom Line
So what did you learn today? We sincerely hope that you will now be able to check your vehicle insurance status online in a very simple and convenient way. Although there are many online platforms to check vehicle insurance status, but we have given you information about the main three online platforms only. It is also mandatory to get the vehicle insured otherwise the owner of the vehicle may get caught in a legal claim. Lastly, remember that new insurance policies that are less than two months old cannot be viewed in the IIB database. If you like the article then don’t forget to share it.